Perhaps, but not right now
If you are a fan of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore and have been sulking the last two years without them, chin up! There is a glimmer of hope that you'll get to see them again.
The series creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino is now working on a new show for HBO, so she was recently cornered interviewed about it. During the interview, the questioning began to waver into Gilmore Girls territory, but Amy talked very little about the series and where she would have taken it had it stayed on the air.
The reason being she wants to save the juicy stuff in case a movie gets made!
She says:
“I don’t want to totally say [what my ideas were], because if there is a movie in the making, I’m going to be basically delving back into where I left off, and then I’m kind of [screwed]…Anything can happen. I’m in touch with [Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel]. If there’s a story to tell, then absolutely I think we’re all going to want to tell it. That’s the bottom line."
Sounds like there might be hope for you yet!
Would U want to see a Gilmore Girls movie?
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